Glimpses of the Annual Conclave 2019

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The Annual Conclave of RV for the year 2019 held on 20th April 2019, was attended by over 70 Middle Managers and above. The idea of the conclave is to engage with the team and to share the company’s overall vision and
conclave-2019 plan for the current financial year. The event aptly titled, Spark, set the tone for the theme of the year, “the operational excellence”.
This was indeed a day to celebrate and remember the achievements of the last financial years, record the improvement areas and to set the stage for unveiling the journey ahead and what we aspire to achieve in the years to come.
The day started with lighting the lamp with Ganesh Vandana followed with a speech by the CEO – Ms. Vandana Seth.

Addressing on the journey so far and she shared how the organization has evolved by diversifying its offerings & geographical reach along with the use of innovation & cutting edge technology Services.

conclave-1-2019In her address to the gathering, RV Solutions’ CEO Ms. Vandana Seth, expressed her deep gratitude to the team for their dedication, trust and cooperation. Since its inception, RV Solutions has focused on fostering a unique culture where ethics and social responsibility are given the highest priority, she said. A steady growth despite a difficult business environment is testimony to the company’s organizational culture, which propounds team responsive, reliable, result driven and respect as its core values, she said. She highlighted the philosophy of the organization and also detailed about her goals for this year. She also shared about our “war on waste” initiative to reduce, reuse, refuse and recycle plastic form our lives.

Being a service industry, the advantage of “operational excellence” needs no explanation.

conclave-3On this occasion one of the prominent speakers was Wing Cmdr. Satwant Singh Bist, India Service Head for Nokia Networks who spoke at the best Operational Excellence Practises at Nokia and how OE can help transform the organisation into a premier service provider. The views shared by Mr. Bisht, were a testimony, of our thoughts aligned to our clients and the industry.

conclave-4Other Speakers also dwelled in detail of how one can adopt Operational Excellence and help transform the organisation The employees also went through an experiential & engrossing knowledge as one part of the conclave section was converted into a show and tell section where vinyl’s with different OE content was on display. The three different divisions at RV Solutions also displayed their Excellence frameworks and shared the revenue figures achieved for last year and discussed their plans for next year.

The most awaited at this conclave was the Employee Rewards & Recognition (R&R). Two awards were distributed for significant service tenures in the organisation (for 7 years & 5 years) and an Excellence in Service award for Outstanding Performances during the year. The excellence award was given to those who strived and went beyond their call of duty to make a mark in the last fiscal. The engrossing day ended with a cultural program where a well-known stand-up comedian performed and regaled the audience with some real hearty laughs.

The event was a show of the camaraderie of the team who may have difference of opinions in almost everything but still act as one.