Blood Donation Camp on World Blood Donor Day

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The “gift of blood” is the “gift of life”. As human beings, we all understand that blood cannot be manufactured in laboratories. There is no substitute for human blood and in every two seconds, someone needs blood. It can only obtained from donors who are generous enough to donate their blood. According to WHO estimates, India faces a shortfall of around 3 million blood units, which can easily be covered if an additional 2% of India’s youth donates blood.

Taking up this social initiative,RV Solutions Pvt. Ltd. in collaboration with Ghaziabad Charitable Blood Bank (Kesar Trust) organized a voluntary blood donation camp on World International Blood Donor Day, 14 June 2019 at the company’s premises. According to medical estimates, each unit of blood has the potential to save 3-4 lives. Around 51 people donated blood, which means that at least 153 lives can be saved.


Worthy of note is that around 16 employees were first-time donors, who were motivated by other blood donors to donate for a social cause. These employees felt immensely satisfied that they contributed to society.

One of the proud female blood donors Ms. Megha Gupta the youngest blood donor shared her experience, “It was a very proud moment for me on 14th June 2019 when in my life first time I donated blood. Only a needy person knows the importance of blood but we as an individual should also understand the same. When our one step towards blood donation can save one life, if every individual decided to donate, there will be no shortage of blood in the World”.

RV Solutions Pvt. Ltd. lauds all those who participated in the blood donation camp to make it successful. The company views blood donation as a healthy social initiative and appreciates all those who took part in the blood donation camp.
