CEO Message

For any Organism to survive, the rate of learning must at least be equal to or greater than the rate of change in the external business environment. Dinosaur and crocodile are good example to understand. Both are reptile, but one managed to survived and one became extinct. It is same for any organisation. We need to learn much faster and better than others in the business environment  How does an organization grow?

They grow because customer trust their product or services more than other competitors due to some unique value proposition and advantages which makes them different from the others.

Most important thing is what makes us grow or create that competitive advantages? We need to do something better or differently within the organisation to satisfy our client/customer?

It means we need to Learn, Unlearn and Relearn, to do something unique or different so that we can keep providing a competitive advantage to our customers/clients

So learning and growth goes hand in hand, we cannot grow unless we learn. And we need to learn to create something new. An organization can win in today’s competitive environment, by adopting one of the three generic strategies:

  1. Operational Efficiency or become cost leaders

  2. Or Build Customer intimacy where your customer will brag about the services they receive

  3. And doing fast and continuous Product or service innovation – first one to provide..

In today’s world, we need to be Excellent in one and reasonably good at the other two. Every successful company follows this mantra.We are also going to build our RV Solutions on driving cost leadership and at the same time, we need to be quite excellent.

Our common sense and hard work can bring us to a certain level. But to go beyond that, we need to be following the practice of systematic management and have a keen scientific approach. We need to be lean and agile so as to fight the competition in our business environment.

Based on this, we have tried to develop a comprehensive framework to drive our operational Excellence journey. That is how to do same things better than others. It is about driving organisation Efficiency.

It is about focusing on Customer and Quality.

Our OE Framework is about doing a set of systematic activities that is carried out by the entire organization to effectively and efficiently achieve company objectives and to provide products and services with a level of quality as per the customer’s satisfaction at the appropriate time and price.

The most important is that the building block of such initiatives is based on the ability to implement 5S or I call it workplace organisation for better productivity, eliminating waste, making a safe place to work for, and finally building a good working environment.

5S is a simple but most powerful tool to drive improvement journey in any organisation. We need to learn it, adopt it and finally make it a habit in our day to day activities.

I am happy to see the initiatives of the OE team who are driving the learning programs through various methodology, apart from call room trainings. This initiatives of newsletter of Knowledge Bulletin will enable our employee to read and learn at their own time.

This will be published every month to bring out some of the important topics under Operational Excellence for all of us to understand, which will also complement our class room learning and help us to drive the present improvement initiatives.

I request all of you to read and share with our team members and try to implement and adopt ‘OE’ in your day to day work.

Make RV a truly learning organisation and let this be an example for others.

So let’s get started, make sure you participate and be a part of the exciting OE Quiz Contest.

Wish you all a HAPPY READING!


Vandana Seth