CEO Message

In this issue, I am going to share my thoughts on changing our mind-set and I call this as ‘modernization of mind’. We do modernize our workplace, factory by upgrading the technology, equipment, etc. Similarly, we also need to modernize our mind from time to time to cope with the changing environment.

All of us were not same person a few years back. With changing role in our personal and professional life, we have changed our mind-set accordingly and adjusted to the new situation.

But here I am talking on continuous upgradation of mind. When we talk of modernization of mind, we need to learn new things – which are relevant to our growth. We grow when we learn new things. For example, when we say our young child has learnt new skills like walking, talking etc., we say that he/she is growing. Therefore, for any growth, learning is pre-requisite. We cannot grow without learning new things.

I strongly feel that in the future, “organizing” battle will be fought by the collective wisdom of people in the organization. In this complex environment, the organization cannot fight the battle of competition with two or three persons’ expertise. We need to fight with our collective wisdom. I am very confident that all of you have that wisdom to fight this battle. And with 11 years of our strong wisdom in the industry we are in we will win the battle.

Actual learning happens only when we start implementing things. For the past few months we have been imparting training to our employees at various levels. The sole purpose is to equip them with OE concepts, tools and techniques. We want people to develop an eye for waste & improvement bend of mind and learn the basic tools to eliminate the waste.

We expect each and every one of you to take ownership and responsibility to implement OE initiatives in your own area and make this company a real “Operational Excellent” organization. Develop good planning and implementation skills. Our ability to do good planning and implementing the same will test our leadership ability as a team.

I am looking for a culture of pro-activeness and not reactiveness. Do not wait for someone to tell you to do improvement. Discuss with your immediate reporting and implement.

Remember, we are here to fulfil the requirement of customer, and customer requirement can be fulfilled in a sustained manner only through OE route. I believe in it because it is a proven technique in similar industries and I have personally seen its benefits while leading the organization towards great success under my leadership.

At the end of each day, all of us need to ask what improvement or change I have done in my work area which will make our customer happy.